Ing. Petr Ryneš

An auditor and a statutory director of EURO-Trend Audit, a.s. After graduating from the University of Economics in Prague, field of study Accounting., he then, until 1998, worked in the accounting methodology department at Ministry of Finance of the CR, where he would participate in creating and implementing the accounting and tax reform in the CR. For a short period of time, he was also a part of the methodology department of the Chamber of Auditors of the CR. Since 1999, Mr. Ryneš has been the chairman of the EURO-Trend Audit board of directors, a company that provides statutory audit and many other accounting advisory related services. He is a member of some of the committees of the Chamber of Auditors of the CR, while also closely cooperating with the National Accounting Board and participating in further development of the Czech Accounting Standards.

Contact us

Senovážné náměstí 978/23
110 00 Praha 1

+420 603 555 227

EURO-Trend Audit, a.s.

ID: 25733834 / VAT ID: CZ25733834
Company registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File 5767.